
Thursday, April 30, 2015

May Blog Candy!!!

I have post scheduled for the next few days in celebration of National Scrapbook Day and my regular DT post.  So......I thought I would go ahead and reveal the goodies I will be giving away in May!  

First up I will be hosting two challenges for Sketch N Scrap's huge 3rd Birthday Celebration!  I won't reveal the details of the challenges but I will let you know when to check back to win these goodies!
May 9 & May 23 will be those days to watch!  Most of the DT will have challenges on their own blogs as well as extra stuff on Sketch N Scrap, so check it ALL out for more opportunities to win.

I will also be giving away two prizes for my 3rd blogiversary! 

Runner up: 

Grand prize:

Due to postage cost only US residents are eligible to win.
You must follow all the rules posted for each prize.  SNS prizes will require a submission of work.  My prizes have a different set of rules, so read carefully!
All prizes require you to be a follower of my blog preferably through blogger.

Blogiversary Rules:

Prizes will only be shipped within the U.S.

You have several opportunities for chances to win:

You must be a blog follower of my blog preferably through blogger.  If not, please comment as to how you follow me.

Follow me on Pinterest and comment with your Pinterest name

Follow my Facebook page 

You can post my candy to your side bar, let me know in your comment.

Leave a comment on this can just leave one comment with all the appropriate information multiple comments on this post do not count as extra entries. 

So you have five ways to enter and I will use random,org to choose the winner.

The giveaway will close at midnight EST on May 31, 2015

I will pick a winner the first week of June!  Good luck!

Check back tomorrow for the first scrapbook sketch of the month from Sketch N Scrap!


  1. Wow awesome prizes!!! So excited to play along!

  2. Congratulations on your blogiversary! I am in Canada so I won't join in! Good luck to everyone!

  3. Awesome prizes, congrats on your 3rd blogiversary!!! I know that I have been a bit absent lately, life has gotten in my way recently.


  4. I've been a follower for a while! Love your creations! Follow on FB and pintrest(ScrapyJenE) now too!

  5. what a wonderful blog candy you are offering! I'm a follower here and on PInterest.

    you might want to stop by my blog for a little bit of happy happy! ;)

  6. I'm a follower on the blog, pinterest and facebook. I also shared your giveaway button on my blog. :) Happy Blogiversary!

  7. I follow you on Pinterest and facebook. What a generous giveaway! Thank you!

  8. Following you via FB page. (DawnMcMillen)


    Following you on Facebook & Pinterest

  10. Just found you. followed you on FB & Pinterist. Also posted your sign on my sidebar.

  11. Hi Alicia, I'm a new follower. I have followed you on FB and Pinterest. You're in my sidebar too. My Pinterest name is rcraddock910. Thanks for offering some fab candy! Love your jewelry! Hugs, Robin

  12. Thanks for a great candy offer! I've posted this on my sidebar too.

  13. Thanks for the wonderful candy offer. I follow you on blogger, facebook and I added your candy to my sidebar.


  14. I have been a blog follower for a couple of months now but just signed up to follow by e-mail too. I follow you now on FB and Pinterest also. I have no idea what my Pinterest name is other than just my name Barbara Greenberg, but I am an active pinner :)
    I've also loved you 3rd b'day challenges at Scrap n Scratch Thanks for the change to win some great blog candy
